So you want to choose your new home colour scheme and make it a true reflection of who you are. Where do you even start?

The answer lies in understanding colour psychology and how different hues can influence not just the look and feel of a room but also your mood and mindset within those four walls.

Selecting a cohesive and impactful colour palette is one of the most important decisions you'll make in any interior design project. Get it right and your home will become a harmonious habitat, a place of comfort and joy. Get it wrong and you'll feel unsettled every time you walk through the front door.

This guide will help you unlock the power of colour and make the perfect choice for your space.

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Photo by Josh Couch / Unsplash

Understanding the Psychology Behind Colour Selection

When choosing a colour palette for your space, it's important to consider how different hues can influence your mood and mindset. Colours have a psychological impact and evoke emotions, whether you realise it or not.

Blue, for example, is a calming colour that can help reduce anxiety and improve focus. Shades of blue are great for bedrooms, living rooms or home offices. Green is another relaxing colour, symbolising growth and nature. It helps create a peaceful ambience and works well in bedrooms or living rooms.

On the other end of the spectrum, red is an energetic and vibrant colour that can stimulate activity and appetite. While ideal for dining rooms or gyms, red may not be the best choice for bedrooms as it can be overstimulating. Similarly, yellow is associated with happiness and creativity but in large doses, can induce feelings of distress or impatience.

When selecting a colour palette, consider how you want each space to make you and your guests feel. Do you want to feel calm in your living room but energised in your home office? Think about how different hues may affect concentration, relaxation or productivity and choose shades to complement the purpose of each room.

Also, keep in mind that lighter, brighter colours will make a room appear more spacious while darker, deeper shades can make a space feel cosy or intimate. Combining complementary colours, tones and shades is an art form in itself. With an understanding of colour psychology, you'll be well on your way to crafting the perfect palette for your home.

brown eggs on white textile
Photo by Nik / Unsplash

The Effect of Colours on Moods and Emotions

The colours you choose for your home decor can have a big impact on your mood and emotions. Let's explore how different hues can affect us psychologically.


Blue is a calming, peaceful colour that can help reduce stress and anxiety. Seeing the colour blue actually causes your body to produce chemicals that relax your mind and body. Different shades of blue, from light to dark, can create different moods. For example, pale blue inspires tranquillity while navy blue fosters productivity. Using blue in spaces where you want to feel calm and focused, such as a home office or bedroom, is ideal.


The colour green symbolises nature, growth and renewal. Exposure to green hues can boost creativity and motivation. Green also has a soothing, refreshing quality that helps create balance and harmony in a space. Incorporating green into your decor through accents, artwork or by bringing in natural elements like houseplants is an easy way to reap the psychological benefits.


Yellow is an uplifting, optimistic colour that stimulates happiness and energy. The bright, warm tones of yellow can improve mood and boost vitality. However, yellow in large doses may lead to irritability or distraction. Using yellow as an accent colour in small bursts, such as with decorative pillows, rugs or lighting fixtures, helps create an ambience of joy and exuberance without going overboard.

As you can see, the colours you choose for your interior design have the power to influence your psychological and emotional state. By understanding how different hues make you feel, you can create living spaces that enrich your well-being and support an ideal balance of energy or tranquillity. Using colour psychology in your home decor is a simple way to positively impact your mood and experience of a space.

blue lego minifig on white surface
Photo by Nik / Unsplash

Important Considerations When Choosing Colours for Interior Design

When choosing a colour palette for your interior design, there are a few important considerations to keep in mind. The colours you select can have a significant impact on the overall feel and functionality of the space.

Mood and Tone

The colours in a room directly influence the mood and ambiance. Warm colours like reds, oranges and yellows energise and stimulate, perfect for social spaces. Cool colours such as blues and greens have a calming, relaxing effect ideal for bedrooms or offices. Neutral shades create a peaceful, balanced space. Think about how you want the room to feel and the activities that will take place there.


The amount of natural light a room receives is a factor when picking colours. North-facing rooms may need warmer shades to brighten the space, while rooms with lots of windows can handle deeper shades. Darker colours tend to make rooms appear more cosy in ample light. Test your colour choices at different times of day to ensure the perfect feel.

Accent Colours

Don't be afraid to incorporate bold accent colours for visual interest. A bright red chair or cobalt blue pillows can add a pop of colour without overwhelming the space. Accent colours also draw the eye, so place them strategically. A single accent wall is an easy way to experiment with bolder shades.

Combining Colours

A complementary colour scheme using colours opposite each other on the colour wheel, such as blue and orange, creates high contrast. For a harmonious look, choose analogous colours next to each other on the wheel, such as teal, blue and navy. A triadic scheme with colours equally spaced, like yellow, red and blue, provides balance. Monochromatic schemes in different shades of one colour are soothing.

Choosing a colour palette for your home should be an exciting, creative process. Pay attention to how the colours make you feel and work with the natural elements of your space. The perfect combination of hues can make a house into a home.

yellow and white round plastic toy
Photo by Nik / Unsplash

How to Create a Cohesive Colour Scheme for Your Home

When designing your home, choosing a cohesive colour scheme is key to creating a harmonious space. The colours you select for your walls, furnishings, decor and accents will significantly impact the overall feel and vibe of each room.

To develop a cohesive colour scheme, first determine the mood you want to evoke. Calming and serene? Bold and dramatic? Fun and quirky? The colours you choose should reflect the atmosphere you want to create. Think about how each colour makes you feel and the emotions you want your space to inspire.

Once you have a mood or theme in mind, select a colour palette of 2 to 5 main colours that work well together. A triadic palette featuring colours from opposite sides of the colour wheel, like blue, yellow and red, creates high contrast. A complementary palette of colours opposite each other on the wheel, such as blue and orange, also provides vibrant contrast. For a more subtle look, choose an analogous palette of colours next to each other on the wheel, such as blue, blue-green and green.

Within your main palette, include a range of shades from light to dark. Use the darker shades for accent walls or larger furnishings, medium shades for secondary walls and decor, and lighter tints as accents. This creates depth and visual interest.

To pull the scheme together, repeat your chosen colours throughout the space in accessories, art, window treatments, flooring, lighting fixtures and decorative items. But don’t overdo it—you still want some contrast and variation.

A cohesive and well-thought-out colour scheme will make your home feel stylish, put together and most of all, uniquely you. Take your time exploring how different colour palettes make you feel and have fun with the creative process of designing a space that reflects your personality!

scrabble chips forming shift happens word near white feather
Photo by SOULSANA / Unsplash,

Expert Tips for Using Colour Psychology in Interior Design

When it comes to using colour psychology in interior design, here are some expert tips to keep in mind:

Think about the room’s purpose.

The colours you choose should align with how the space will be used. Calming hues of blue or green are ideal for bedrooms, while vibrant reds or oranges spark creativity in a home office or study.

Consider the room’s lighting.

The amount of natural light a room gets will impact how colours appear. North-facing rooms may require warmer tones, while a south-facing space can handle cooler shades. If a room is dim, you’ll want to choose lighter, brighter colours.

Create a balanced colour scheme.

Use 60-30-10 as a guide: 60% of your main/dominant colour, 30% of a secondary colour, and 10% of an accent colour. This creates a cohesive look without too much contrast. You might do light grey walls (60%) with navy blue accents (30%) and pops of yellow (10%).

Use complementary colours for contrast.

Colours opposite each other on the colour wheel, like blue and orange or red and green, create an energetic contrast when used together. Place them strategically in your design for maximum impact.

Consider the ceiling and flooring.

The colours on these surfaces will impact your overall scheme. If you have a dark floor, choose lighter wall colours to open up the space. A coloured ceiling can enhance the drama and intimacy of a room.

Add texture with neutrals.

Inject warmth and visual interest into your space using neutral colours in a range of textures. Think smooth walls in off-white, a chunky woven rug in tan, and a knitted throw blanket in grey. This layers in depth and dimension.

Using these tips will help you craft a stylish and psychologically balanced colour scheme for any interior space. The right colours can transform the mood and feel of your home, so take the time to choose wisely.


So there you have it, a quick guide to choosing the perfect colour palette based on the psychological effects of different hues. Colours have a significant impact on how we feel in a space, so take your time exploring the options and go with what resonates most with you.

Whether you're looking to boost creativity, productivity or relaxation, the right colour scheme can make a world of difference. Don't be afraid to experiment - you can always repaint if needed.

Most of all, have fun with the process! A space you connect with on an emotional level will become a place you truly call home.