So you’ve decided to tackle a ceramic tile project in your home. Excellent choice - ceramic tile can transform the look and feel of any space. But before you dive in, it’s critical to understand what constitutes quality work. As a contractor, your reputation depends on providing high-quality results that stand the test of time. Shoddy tile work will not only reflect poorly on you, but can be an expensive headache for your customers down the road.

The key to quality ceramic tile installation comes down to meticulous preparation, precision, and patience. If you cut corners, it will show. But when done properly with care and expertise, ceramic tile can produce a stunning result that you and your customers will appreciate for years to come. In this article, we’ll walk you through the essential steps and best practices for ensuring a ceramic tile job that is as rock-solid as the tiles themselves. Your customers will sing your praises, and your business will build momentum through the power of referral. So gear up - it’s time to deliver the wow factor.

Understanding the Australian Standards for Tile Installation

To ensure quality ceramic tile work, contractors must understand and follow the Australian Standards AS 3958.1: Ceramic tiles – Guide to the installation of ceramic tiles, AS 3958.2: Ceramic tiles – Guide to the selection of a ceramic tiling system and the manufacturer’s installation instructions for the materials selected.

The standards provide guidance on everything from tile selection to installation methods. Following them helps ensure your work is defect-free and built to last.

For floor and wall tiling, the main standards are AS 3958.1 and AS 3958.2. The former covers installation while the latter focuses on choosing an appropriate tiling system. Both provide specs on substrate preparation, waterproofing, tile spacing, and more.

In bathrooms or other wet areas, using tiles that show water staining on the back side within 12 months is considered defective. The tiles and installation must be appropriate for the location and purpose. Using wall tiles on floors or tiles not rated for commercial use in a commercial setting does not meet the standards.

For contractor-supplied tiles, defects include cracks, pits, chips, scratches or loose tiles within 12 months of installation unless due to actions outside the contractor’s control. Tiles must also meet the requirements of AS ISO 13006 and AS 4459.

When installing owner-supplied tiles, the contractor is responsible for any issues due to workmanship but not inherent faults in the tiles. Non-matching tiles should be separated using joints in doorways, where walls meet, or behind fixtures.

Uneven tiling that varies more than 4 mm over 2 metres is considered defective. Grout lines should be evenly spaced and grout uniformly coloured without voids or pinholes. Lippage between tiles should not exceed 2 mm, or 1.5 mm for polished tiles or joints 3 mm or less.

Following these standards helps ensure your tile work is high quality and built to last. Paying attention to the details makes all the difference in craftsmanship and client satisfaction.

a broom sitting on top of a wooden deck
Photo by Mark Stosberg / Unsplash

Common Defects in Tile Work and What Causes Them

If you want your ceramic tile installation to stand the test of time, getting the details right is important. As a contractor, being aware of common defects and their causes can help ensure high-quality, long-lasting work.

Uneven Tiling

Nothing ruins the look of a tile job faster than uneven, misaligned tiles. This is often caused by a poorly prepared substrate or using the wrong trowel notch for the tile size. Take time to level and smooth the substrate, and choose a trowel that will give you the recommended coverage for your tile. Using spacers or tile levelling systems can also help.

Grout Issues

Grout that is the wrong colour, uneven, or cracking is another sign of poor workmanship. Make sure to seal porous tiles before grouting, use a grout that matches your tile colour, and wipe away excess grout before it dries completely. Using a grout release or sealer on tile surfaces can prevent grout from sticking where it’s not wanted. Cracking is usually caused by grout that is too hard for the application or exposure to harsh chemicals, so choose a flexible, stain-proof grout.

Loose or Cracked Tiles

No one wants tiles that crack, come loose or sound “drummy” when tapped. This usually means the tiles weren’t properly bonded to the substrate. Be sure to use the recommended adhesive for your tile type and follow the directions carefully. Key things to check are using the proper trowel notch, allowing adequate open time so the adhesive becomes tacky before placing tiles, and applying pressure to tiles after placing them.

You can avoid the most common defects in tile work by paying attention to substrate preparation, using quality materials, and following the directions carefully. Take the time to do the job right, and your clients will enjoy beautiful, long-lasting tile for years to come.

woman wearing black collared jacket
Photo by Emiliano Vittoriosi / Unsplash

Inspecting Tiles Before Installation

As a contractor, inspecting tiles before installation is one of the most important quality control steps you can take. Carefully check each tile for any imperfections or damage that could affect the final result or durability.

Look over all tiles for cracks, chips, pits or scratches. Minor surface blemishes are often unavoidable, but anything deep or covering more than 5% of the total tiles may need to be addressed. It’s best to set aside any questionable tiles so the client can review and approve them before installation. For the highest quality job, you may want to order extra tiles upfront in case any end up unsuitable.

Double-check that you have the right tiles for the intended use. Floor tiles must be rated for floor installation and wall tiles for walls. Tiles not properly rated can lead to failure or water damage. It’s an easy mistake to make, so take the time to verify the tile specifications.

Inspect tiles to ensure an even colour and texture match across the batch. Minor variations between tiles are normal and unavoidable, but major differences could create an uneven, patchy appearance once installed. Look for any reverse water staining in tiles intended for wet areas like bathrooms or kitchens. Staining indicates the tiles may not be suitable for those high-moisture locations.

Carefully inspecting tiles before installation and setting aside any that don’t meet quality standards will help ensure your tiling job looks professional and lasts for years to come. Your clients will surely appreciate the care and craftsmanship that went into their new tile floors or walls. And you’ll rest easy knowing you started the project off right by choosing the best materials possible.

Installation Techniques to Ensure Quality Tile Work

To ensure quality tile work, contractors must pay attention to proper installation techniques. Follow these tips for high-quality, professional results.

Substrate preparation

The substrate, or surface under the tile, must be clean, smooth, and sturdy. Rough or uneven surfaces will lead to cracked tiles or grout. For new installations, concrete backer board is recommended.For external tiling over concrete slabs it is highly recommended to use a bond breaker applied to the substrate before laying adhesive and tiles over it. this will help to ensure concrete shrinkage cracks in the concrete do not pass directly through to the finished tiled surface. In renovations, check the existing flooring for damage or water issues and repair as needed.

Mortar and trowel selection

Choosing the proper mortar, also known as tile adhesive or thin-set, is key. For most ceramic tile, a polymer-modified (flexible) adhesive works well. Use an adhesive suited to the tile type and installation location. The trowel should be notched to allow mortar to adhere well to the tile backs. Too little mortar won’t bond tiles, while too much is difficult to clean up and can lead to uneven tiles. Larger tiles require larger notched trowels so more adhesive is applied and bonds to the tile and substrate.

Setting and spacing tiles

Place tiles firmly into the mortar using a rubber mallet. For walls, start at the top corner. For floors, work from the centre out. Use tile spacers for even gaps between tiles. Remove spacers once mortar is set. Wipe away excess mortar from tile faces and gaps as you work to avoid residue.

Grout application

Grout seals gaps between tiles. For small joints under 3mm, use unsanded grout. For wider joints or high-traffic areas, use sanded grout. Apply grout over the entire tiled area with a rubber float or trowel. Wipe excess from the surface with a damp sponge as you work. Once dry, buff the tiles with a cloth to bring back the shine.

Following proper techniques like preparing the substrate, choosing quality materials, setting tiles carefully with spacers, and applying grout appropriately will result in a high-quality tile job that lasts for years. Paying attention to the details and doing quality work is what separates professional tile contractors from amateurs.

Inspecting and Testing the Finished Tiling

Once the tiling work is complete, it’s time for the final inspection. As a contractor, thoroughly checking the finished tiling is one of the most important quality control steps. Walk through the space slowly, looking for any defects or imperfections. Get down on your hands and knees for the best view of the floor and lower wall tiles.

Inspect the Tiles

Check that the tiles are securely bonded with no drummy or loose areas. Ensure there are no cracks, chips, scratches or staining in more than 5% of the tiles. For ceramic tiles in wet areas, look for signs of reverse water staining which indicates water damage. Replace any damaged or defective tiles.

Check the Grout Lines

Grout lines should be evenly spaced, smooth and uniform in colour with no pinholes, voids or uneven areas. For higher quality jobs, the grout should be tooled or smoothed so it sits just below the surface of cushioned edged tiles or flush with square edged tiles. Lippage, or uneven tile edges, should not exceed 2mm for most tiles and 1.5mm for polished tiles with narrow grout lines. Re-grout as needed.

Inspect the Sealants

Flexible sealants are used where tiling meets fixed elements like walls, columns, door jambs or plumbing fixtures. Ensure the sealant forms a waterproof seal with no gaps, voids or cracks. Reapply sealant if needed.

Test the Finished Surface

Use a 2 metre straightedge to check that the tiled surface is flat, without humps, dips or variation of more than 4mm. The floor should slope properly to drains and outlets. Make any needed adjustments to the tile levelling system or by re-tiling affected areas.

Add Movement Joints

Movement joints may be required to prevent cracking for large tiled areas, especially in exterior or sunlight-exposed locations. Check that movement joints have been installed according to the recommendations in AS3958.1, typically at 4.5-metre intervals. Add any missing movement joints.

With a final thorough inspection and any needed touch-ups or repairs, you can feel confident handing over a professional, high-quality tiling job to your customer. Quality control at every stage of the project is key to success.


So there you have it. As a tile contractor, following these best practises will help ensure your ceramic tile jobs meet the highest standards of quality and craftsmanship. Pay attention to the details, take your time, and don’t cut corners. Your customers will notice the difference, and your reputation will grow. Word of mouth is the best form of marketing, so focus on doing excellent work and the referrals will come. Stay up to date with the latest tools and techniques. Continue honing your skills through practise and learning from more experienced tilers. Do all this, and you’ll be laying tile with confidence and pride in a job well done.