offers a comprehensive collection of construction plans and site details essential for efficient building projects. Updated regularly, it provides practical and detailed resources from land acquisition to soil testing.

On this page, you'll discover numerous examples of the plans and site related details that you'll encounter and require. You'll begin to receive this information as soon as you acquire your land, and this will continue until your PSA soil test is successfully completed.

Last Updated: 30-01-2024

001: The Disclosure Plan

One of the first plans you will receive from the land seller

002: Sewer As Constructed's

003: Stormwater As Cons

004: Cold Water/Water As Cons

005: Contour and Detail Survey Example

006: Survey Plan (SP) Example

007: Plan Of Development (POD)

This shows for each site, which side of the site you can build to boundary, where you must locate your garage, where estate retaining walls are, what the setbacks are for each site, and in this instance if any acoustic attenuation is required.

008: Soil Test Bore Hole Setout

This is marked up and sent with a PO to the geotechnical engineer to locate bores onsite.

009: Soil Test (Example)

010: Site photos that come back with soil test

Evidence from geotechnical engineer that testing was done on the correct site location (bum covering).

011: Notice to Fence Form (Example)

012: Engineering Design and Details (Example)

013: Notice to Owner that a Private Certifier has been engaged (QLD)

014: Building Approval (example) Plan & Document Set